About Me

Hello! My name is Alen. I am a Computer Science undergraduate. I started learning web development during 2020 and learned HTML,CSS and JavaScript. Now I am on a journey to learn ReactJS and NodeJS. Along with this I also practice competitive coding. I love designing posters, developing websites, nature photography, cycling, reading etc.

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me. Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently : Flutter, Firebase, React .


Web Design

Figma | Canva

Web Development

HTML | CSS | JavaScript
NodeJS | ReactJS

Programming Languages

C | Java | Python | JavaScript

Tools & Platforms

Flutter | Firebase | Git | SQL | Linux

Soft Skills

Creative | Collaborative | Curious


Recent Work

Here are a few past projects I've worked on.

Admin Dashboard
Using React

Disaster Management

E-Tick - Flutter App

Bus Ticket Automation &
Destination Alert App

Caresio ChatBot
Using Dialogflow

Mental Health Chatbot


Project 07

Project 08

Project 09

Let's Say Hi

Got a question or proposal, or just want to say hello? Go ahead.